
您知道除了小麥外,米也能製成麵條嗎? 雲林有一個製麵廠,老闆花了兩年多的時間研發,做出不含麩質的米麵條,而且不用熱水煮,只要放在冷水浸泡四十分鐘就能吃。




[[老闆 潘志文]]
“我們用高壓跟溫度,來控制我們的米麵條,讓它有產生筋性,有筋性的話我們和水之後 它的Q度才會出來”



The owner of a noodle factory in Yunlin spent two years to develop gluten free rice noodles. These noodles can even be cooked simply by soaking in cold water for 40 minutes. 

This rice is ground into a powder before being used to produce rice noodles.

Later, a little water is added to this rice powder and mixed. Then it is placed into this machine, which uses high pressure and high temperate to produce pure rice noodles that slowly emerges from this machine. 

The final process includes six to eight hours of drying, which is unique for rice noodles. The inventor spent more than two years developing these noodles, noting the biggest technological breakthrough involved making gluten free noodles from rice.

Pan Chih-wen
Noodle Maker
We use high pressure along with high temperature to prepare these rice noodles. Their density allows them to become chewier when they are placed into water.

One of the major differences between rice noodles and other noodles is that they don’t need to be boiled. In fact, after soaking for just 40 minutes in water they can be eaten. They can be a useful meal in the event of an emergency.






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    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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