[[桃園縣府副秘書長 蔡麗娟]]
[[桃園縣府副秘書長 蔡麗娟]]
桃園黃小鴨在上週時,因為地牛翻身,造成屁股撕裂傷,灌氣過猛,而「爆」斃。因此桃園縣政府,向高雄出借高雄黃小鴨,但這次竟又無預警洩氣。桃園黃小鴨的悲慘身世,成了網友們KUSO的題材 。除了幫小鴨開好死亡證明書,死因是吸入過多氧氣,因公殉職外、還仿造賈柏斯,幫小黃鴨作了張紀念照。
Strong winds meant that the Rubber Duck on display in Taoyuan was left deflated Monday. Today’s letdown was the latest in a string of problems ever since the Rubber Duck arrived in Taoyuan County.
Early this morning visitors to Taoyuan’s Xinwu Township looked forward to seeing the Rubber Duck. All they saw was what this child referred to as the duck’s “skin.”
Unexpectedly, on Sunday evening the duck deflated. Onlookers captured footage of it seeming to raising its wing to ask for help. Eventually, its beak hit the ground and all that was left was something that looked like a fried egg. Blame for this latest mishap is being attributed to a malfunctioning fan used to inflate it.
Tsai Li-chuan
Deputy Secretary-General, Taoyuan County
Last night after 9 o’clock one of the blower fans stopped operating. A safety official onsite felt it presented a good time to deflate the duck, so the other blower fan was shut down.
Originally, the duck was to be inflated today, before the visitors arrived, but stormy weather led the county government to decide to let the duck rest.
Tsai Li-chuan
Deputy Secretary-General, Taoyuan County
Typically seasonal winds from the northeast are strong. The wind here was expected to be especially strong because of the effects of a tropical storm periphery.
The original Xinwu duck deflated in last week’s earthquake then burst when workers tried to re-inflate it too quickly. Kaohsiung then lent the duck it had displayed, but officials have had trouble keeping this one inflated. Mishaps are illustrated in parodies posted online. One person created a duck death certificate, citing over-oxygenation during work duties as cause of death. Another created a memorial modeled after the one to commemorate Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.