[[經建會主委 管中閔]]
[[經建會主委 管中閔]]
“我們在經濟上,一定有件事情要做,我們產業本身的結構一定要改,我們產業要怎麼樣,能夠做出更高附加價值,我們經濟一定要更活,如果中堅企業慢慢變成台灣企業的普遍現象,然後我們在國際的產業界,供應鏈上佔有更重要的位置 我們的產業就會越來越好”
At the beginning of the year, the head of the nation’s lead economic advising agency said he believed that a strong economy was on the horizon. Kuan Chung-ming now admits to over-optimism. But he still believes that in the short-term, Taiwan can maintain 2 percent growth, and in the long-term, it can boost the economy by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises.
When Kuan Chung-ming, the minister of the Council for Economic Planning and Development, appeared on an FTV talk show, he was asked whether GDP growth will exceed 2 percent this year.
Kuan Chung-Ming
CEPD Minister
Based on current data, if our exports return to levels prior to the last two quarters, I think it’s possible. But there’s a precondition: consumer spending must continue. In other words, following the food safety problem, public confidence needs to be quickly restored. Consumer spending is the most important factor in our GDP growth.
One of Taiwan’s greatest challenges is the anemic global economy. Kuan listed government visions that he believes could be a prescription. He focused on developing high-potential, small and medium-sized enterprises.
Kuan Chung-Ming
CEPD Minister
There are reforms we must undertake when it comes to the economy. We have to change the industrial structure and bring more added-value to industry so we can give life to the economy. If backbone enterprises become more common in Taiwan and we raise our importance in the international supply chain, our businesses will improve.
Kuan added that by making higher value products, Taiwan could begin to see renewed growth in worker salaries.