[[外交部長 林永樂]]
“第一時間捐助了20萬美金,事實上我們在禮拜一募集的物資,已經超100噸,所以我們現在加起來,整個的援助,包括政府與民間,已經超過400萬(美金) ,至於援助金額、人力或物資,這個部分沒有上限”
[[總統 馬英九]]
“也可能考慮用船運,今天我已經請在場的袁秘書長跟這個外交部都聯絡好了 ,必要的時候我們派軍艦去”
Shipments of goods are departing Taiwan daily for the Philippine city of Cebu. The deliveries are just one part of how Taiwan is helping its neighbor following the devastation wrought by Typhoon Haiyan.
A Philippine official expresses deep thanks. This C-130 landed at Cebu Airport stocked with supplies donated from Taiwan. The two nations don’t have official diplomatic relations, but Taiwan is still helping in time of need.
David Lin
Minister of Foreign Affairs
We immediately donated US$200,000, and, by Monday, we had already collected more than 100 tons of supplies. Added together, public and private donations already exceed US$4 million. There is no limit on the amount of money, manpower or supplies we will donate.
Two C-130 planes will deliver goods daily through Saturday. President Ma has also ordered the Navy to be on standby.
President Ma Ying-jeou
We are considering delivery by sea. Today I asked Secretary-General Yuan, who is on the scene, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to make contact. When the need arises, we will send a military ship over.
The government hopes Taiwan’s compassion can bring relief to victims in these desperate times.