






Among the violations uncovered in the edible oil scandal is the addition of coloring agent copper chlorophyllin. Officials tracked imports of the additive and discovered that 1,200 kilograms of a related agent were purchased by Chin Haoo Trading Co. They have already found that Chin Haoo illegally added the chemical to the popular Wu-Mu ramen noodles. 

After just three minutes of cooking, add a flavor packet and these noodles are ready to serve.

The Wu-Mu brand has a 60 percent share of the instant ramen noodle market, though it now faces a recall after its products were found to contain sodium copper chlorophyllin, an unauthorized additive. Sing-Lin Foods Corporation, the company behind Wu-Mu noodles, placed blame on an upstream supplier, Chin Haoo Trading Co. 

Sing-Lin Foods Corporation
For years we have purchased natural chlorophyll. On Nov. 4, Chin Haoo Trading Co. told us that they wanted to change labels to say sodium copper chlorophyllin. We immediately returned product they delivered to us and then took legal action for damaging our reputation.

Quaker is another downstream company of Chin Haoo Trading. Its products also contain sodium copper chlorophyllin, but the Ministry of Health and Welfare says the additive is allowed in the oat products Quaker sells.








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