《中英對照讀新聞》China collecting Dalai Lama blood samples:Tibet exiles 西藏流亡人士︰中國蒐集達賴喇嘛的血液樣本


Chinese agencies are secretly collecting samples of the Dalai Lama’s blood, urine and hair and are stepping up efforts to harm him, the Tibetan government in exile said.


Citing "a variety of threats" to the spiritual leader’s life, the KASHAG or cabinet of the government in exile accused China of "making concrete plans to harm His Holiness by employing well-trained agents, particularly females".


"Chinese intelligence agencies have stepped up their efforts to collect intelligence on the status of His Holiness’s health, as well as collecting physical samples of his blood, urine and hair," it said in a statement.


"It is also learnt that they are exploring the possibility of harming him by using ultra-modern and highly sophisticated drugs and poisonous chemicals." Dongchung Ngodup, minister of security in the cabinet told AFP the government was informed about these threats by sources inside Tibet.


Earlier this month the Dalai Lama told Britain’s Sunday Telegraph newspaper that he had been informed of a plot to assassinate him, using Tibetan women posing as devotees seeking his blessing.


In the interview, the Dalai Lama said he was told the Tibetan women would be wearing poisonous scarves and have poisonous hair. "They were supposed to seek blessing from me, and my hand touch," he said. But he added that there was "no possibility to cross-check, so I don’t know". (AFP)



step up︰片語,加快、增加。例句︰"Step it up a little more," he said to the driver.(「請再快點,」他對司機說。)

well-trained︰形容詞,訓練有素的。例句︰She is a well-trained nanny.(她是受過良好訓練的保母。)

cross-check︰動詞或名詞,多方核實。例句︰We must cross-check the data.(我們必須查核這個數據。)



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