Three primary school age children in one English city reaped more than the usual harvest of sweets and chocolates on Halloween when they emptied their trick-or-treat goody bags and found several bags of cocaine.
On Monday, the man who had mistakenly handed out his cocaine stash to the children instead of candy was given a community service sentence in court, the Press Association reported.
Apprentice panel-beater Donald Green fished in his pockets for a bag of chewy sweets to give to the youngsters at his door on Halloween, but instead pulled out a plastic pack containing eight bags of cocaine he had bought for 200 pounds earlier that day.
He dropped the drugs into the goody bags carried by the three children, aged eight, six and five, who were out trick-or-treating escorted by their father, an off-duty policeman.
The 23-year-old defendant then closed the door, went back inside the house and put his hand in his pockets to get out his drugs - but instead pulled out the sweets.(Reuters)
by mistake:不小心地,錯誤地。同義詞,mistakenly。例句:I took the wrong turn by mistake. Now we are lost.(我不小心轉錯彎。現在我們迷路了。)
fish:動詞,觸摸,探索找物。例句:He fished in both pockets for a coin and found nothing at all.(他在兩個口袋裡摸索想找有沒有硬幣,結果啥也沒有。)
hand something out (to someone):慣用語,把某物給某人;分發。例句: The teacher handed out the test papers to the students.(老師把考卷分發給學生。)