When French film actress Brigitte Bardot began a campaign to spare the thousands of stray dogs in Romania’s capital from being put down, she did it with a $150,000 donation scheme.
A similar campaign is being waged by Ana-Maria Ciulcu, a 13-year-old schoolgirl with braces on her teeth who uses Facebook to appeal to dog lovers all over Europe - and to make sure the dogs go to the right homes.
Ciulcu was a baby when Bardot started her sterilisation campaign in 2001. Now she speaks fluent German and has a grasp of the Internet, and she’s used both to rescue 150 strays and ship them to Germany, Austria and Belgium since September.
But Bucharest’s state-funded wards now hold 2,800 dogs, and 2,000 dogs have been euthanised in the past two months, according to Romania’s Authority for Animal Surveillance and Protection. Some 60,000 strays roam Bucharest.
Ciulcu collects strays on the street. They go to a temporary private shelter, or to the backyard of her home. She has a veterinarian vaccinate them and give them microchip identification tags and eventually gets international passports for them.
All costs, from medicines, vaccines and neutering to identification chips and passports, are covered by Ana-Maria’s family - about 150 euros per dog. Transporting the animals to their destinations is covered by the new owner.(Reuters)
put down:動物的撲殺、使安樂死。例句:The dog was seriously ill so its owner had it put down.(這隻狗病得很嚴重,所以牠的飼主讓牠安樂死。)
wage:從事、進行、開始。例句:The people are waging campaign against nuclear power plant. (人民發動反核電廠運動。)
have/get a grasp of:領會、理解、掌握。例句:She has a good grasp of the issue. (她對該議題知之甚詳。)