

[[台灣環保聯盟秘書長 董建宏]]


[[綠色公民行動聯盟秘書長 崔愫欣]]


Former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung is just one day from beginning a fast to protest continued construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Lin’s protest will be just one of many in the coming days by anti-nuclear activists. 

Lin Yi-hsiung’s fast is soon approaching. Dozens of NGOs are working to support his anti-nuclear cause with a mass demonstration on Ketagalan Boulevard.

Andy Tung
Taiwan Environmental Protection Union 
We will take turns, with individuals undergoing 24-hour fasts. Each day at least four members of our group will participate.

Dozens of NGOs are seeking one million signatures on a petition to stop work at the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant and are holding a yellow-ribbon activity for households to represent their opposition to nuclear power. They say if the government continues to ignore their demands, protests will become more intense. 

Tsui Shu-hsin
Green Citizens' Action Alliance
We give the government until April 24. If there is no positive response, we will announce occupation of Ketagalan Boulevard beginning April 26. We will surround the Presidential Office with a mass protest.

Anti-nuclear groups have also planned a road race to take place on Saturday, regardless of President Ma’s response to their demands.

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    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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