
重陽節就要到了,北市府今年不但禮金加碼, 門檻也降低, 從70歲降到65歲,禮金發放總額一下高達6億元,是去年的三倍, 但議員卻憂心, 維安等級沒跟著升級,幫忙發錢的里長, 領了錢的老人家,都可能成為歹徒下手的目標!





[[台北市議員 戴錫欽]]



For Double Ninth Festival, the Taipei City government will distribute red envelopes worth a total of NT$600 million to seniors. A city councilor worries this cash will make recipients a target of thieves. 

A red envelope is enough to put a big smile on this man’s face. 

The Taipei City government is handing out red envelopes for Double Ninth Festival, and compared to previous years, its generosity has grown. In the past only seniors aged 70 or above were eligible. Now anyone 65 or above can receive a gift, qualifying an extra 100,000 people. Depending on age, seniors get one of four gifts.

Taipei Senior Citizen
This is a benefit for us. I am so, so happy.

One city councilor worries that criminals could also want to get their hands on this money.

Tai Hsi-chin
Taipei City Councilor
Everyone knows that these cash gifts are being distributed at village offices. Isn’t it possible that a thief could target seniors who receive them? To tell the truth, we haven’t added extra police forces.

In late June, the Taipei Department of Social Welfare asked for extra police support. But the city’s police department denied the request, citing manpower shortages. Instead it asked that village administrators only to take out as much cash as they need. This year, Double Ninth Festival takes place on Oct. 13.







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