




[[行政院長 江宜樺]]


[[行政院長 江宜樺]]


In the aftermath of the student led Sunflower Movement, the KMT has been seeking ways to connect with local youth. Premier Jiang Yi-huah spoke at a youth policy forum this morning, and later this afternoon, President Ma addressed a KMT youth forum. 

Seeking more dialogue with young people, the KMT Youth Forum took place this afternoon, though the event attracted a large crowd of protesters shouting slogans outside.

However, inside, it was a different story as many of the youth assembled for the forum were largely supportive and mostly exchanged pleasantries with President Ma.

By contrast, a youth policy forum organized by the Ministry of Education and attended by Premier Jiang Yi-huah was more exciting as many students got right to the point and asked Jiang if he ordered the use of excessive force to clear protestors from the Executive Yuan.

Jiang Yi-huah
Some police used shields, and others used batons, which led to some bloodshed. But I don’t agree with these accusations which can be reviewed, to say that evening, in order to clear the area, President Ma or Premier Jiang Yi-huah ordered the use of excessive force against the people. I can stand here and conscientiously say that this wasn’t the case.

Students then asked Jiang why the government was in such a rush to sign the cross-strait trade-in-services pact.

Jiang Yi-huah
No one has mentioned that the trade-in-services pact must complete its review by a certain month and date. A trade-in-services pact referendum has advantages and disadvantages, though referendums usually create many problems. Simply voting yes or no may be such a problem as it wasn’t long ago that many in society supported a line by line review. 

Premier Jiang Yi-huah adopted a professorial air today when responding to questions from local youth, though it’s still unknown how many of his explanations that young people are still willing to accept.


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