Frank: | What’s with that 1)getup you have on? |
Kara: | Today’s school spirit 2)dress up day, Frank. Remember?It’s homecoming week! |
Frank: | Oh, right. But isn’t that a little over the top? |
Kara: | Huh? What do you mean? |
Frank: | I get the blue and red clothes, but blue 3)mascara? Red 4)streaks in your hair? |
Kara: | Hey. There are people who paint their faces—and even their whole bodies—red and blue. This is actually pretty 5)low-key. |
Frank: | I hope you don’t expect me to paint myself. I’d break out all over. |
Kara: | No, but I bought you this 6)outfit. |
Frank: | Hmm, I guess I can handle that. |
法蘭克: | 你那套怪衣服怎麼回事? |
卡拉: | 今天是學校精神變裝日,法蘭克。記得嗎?現在是校友返校。 |
法蘭克: | 喔對耶。但這會不會有點太超過了? |
卡拉: | 呃,你什麼意思? |
法蘭克: | 我可以瞭解藍色和紅色衣服,但是藍色睫毛膏?頭髮挑染紅色? |
卡拉: | 嘿,還有人把臉都塗了藍色紅色,甚至全身都塗,我其實還蠻低調的了。 |
法蘭克: | 我希望你不會期待我把自己塗顏色,我會全身起疹子。 |
卡拉: | 不會,但是我幫你買了這套服裝。 |
法蘭克: | 呃,我想這我還能夠接受。 |
好用句 |
over the top 太誇張了,太超過了 |
A: How did you like the movie?
B: it wasn’t bad, but the ending was a little over the top.
1) getup (n.)(醒目的、怪異的)全套衣服,戲服
You’re not going to work in that getup, are you?
2) dress up (phr.) 盛裝打扮
Let’s dress up and eat at a fancy restaurant.
3) mascara (n.) 睫毛膏
Do you wear mascara?
4) streak (n.) 條紋,條痕,斑紋,在此指挑染出來一條一條的顏色
Martha dyes her hair to hide her gray streaks.
5) low-key (a.) 低調的,收斂的
The two stars have been pretty low-key about their relationship.
6) outfit (n.) 全套服裝
Shannon bought a new outfit to wear to the party.
文章出處: 聯合電子報