Chad: | So why do you need my advice? I know nothing about blogging. And I find most blogs totally 1)annoying. |
Heather: | That’s 2)precisely why I’m asking you. You love to 3)nitpick. So if I can put together a blog that you approve of, I know everyone will like it. |
Chad: | Ha! So you want me to be your 4)guinea pig? |
Heather: | Exactly! |
Chad: | OK, but don’t you have to understand programming to set up a blog? And don’t you have to pay someone to host it? |
Heather: | Actually, lots of blogging sites have ready-made templates, and will host your blog for free. |
查 德: | 那妳為什麼需要我的建議?我對經營部落格一無所知,而且我覺得大部分部落格都非常惹人厭。 |
海 瑟: | 那正是為什麼我要問你意見的原因。你就是喜歡吹毛求疵,所以如果我可以做出一個連你也贊同的部落格,我想大家都會喜歡的。 |
查 德: | 哈。所以妳是要讓我當妳的白老鼠嗎? |
海 瑟: | 沒錯! |
查 德: | 好,但是不是要懂程式設計才能架設部落格嗎?不是要付錢給部落格平台嗎? |
海 瑟: | 其實,很多部落格的網站都有現成的版型,而且可以讓你免費開設部落格。 |
好用句 |
go on (and on) 滔滔不絕 |
A: Are you coming to the dinner at Mike and Cindy’s tonight?
B: No. I can’t stand listening to them goon and on about their kids.
Vocabulary |
1) annoying (a.) 煩人的,討厭的
Linda has a really annoying laugh.
2) precisely (adv.) 正好,恰巧 (a.) precise
I feel precisely the same way you do.
3) nitpick (v.) 挑剔,吹毛求疵
Do you have to nitpick about everything I do?
4) guinea pig 做實驗的對象,實驗老鼠
Try the stinky tofu yourself—I’m not gonna be your guinea pig.