Laura: | Just kidding. But there are 1)pluses. With Facebook apps and texting, you can connect with whoever you want, whenever you want. |
Dennis: | Well, texting can be convenient. If I just have a short message and need a quick response, it 2)definitely does the trick. |
Laura: | Then again, people can get into arguments when they3)misunderstand the tone of a text. |
Dennis: | Man, you seem like an expert. You should write a book—or create an app for text addicts. |
Laura: | Wouldn’t that be an 4)oxymoron? An app to get you away from apps? |
蘿 拉: | 開個玩笑嘛。但是也的確有些好處。有了臉書的應用程式和簡訊功能,隨時想跟誰聯絡都行。 |
丹尼斯: | 嗯,簡訊倒是蠻方便。如果我只是想傳個短訊,而且急需回覆,簡訊就真的非常管用。 |
蘿 拉: | 話說回來,要是誤解簡訊裡的語氣可是會吵起來的。 |
丹尼斯: | 嘿,你真像是個專家。你真應該寫本書—或是替簡訊上癮的人設計一個應用程式。 |
蘿 拉: | 這樣不是很矛盾嗎?讓人遠離應用程式的應用程式? |
好用句 |
do the trick 某樣東西很管用 |
A: Do you think that girl will stop asking me out if I tell her I’m gay?
B: That’ll do the trick!
1) plus (n.) 好處,有利條件。minus 即「壞處」
You should weigh the pluses and minuses before making a decision.
2) definitely (adv.) 一定地,絕對地
I’m definitely going to the concert.
3) misunderstand (v.) 誤會
misunderstanding (n.) 誤解
I think he misunderstood what I meant.
4) oxymoron (n.) 相互矛盾的字眼、說法
“Friendly fire” is an oxymoron.