Greg: I’m so glad you came to visit in the summer. It’s my favorite time of year.
Frank: Hey, anything to get away from that 1)muggy Taipei weather, ha-ha.
Greg: Uh, I hate to burst your bubble, but Chicago is hot and humid in the summer too. Just wait till the sun comes up.
Frank: It can’t be worse than Taiwan…can it?
Greg: Well, it’s usually in the mid-80s, but there’s a heat wave coming….
Frank: Isn’t Chicago the Windy City? The breeze will keep us cool, right?
Greg: That’s in the winter. But we’ll be able to catch a breeze off the lake at Grant Park—that’s where we’re going tomorrow.
桂 格: 我很開心你夏天來玩,這是一年中我最喜歡的季節。
法蘭克: 嘿,只要能讓我離開悶熱的台北都好,哈哈。
桂 格: 呃,我不想潑你冷水,但是芝加哥在夏天也是又悶又熱,等早上太陽升起你就知道了。
法蘭克: 不會比台灣熱吧?會嗎?
桂 格: 恩,通常華氏八十幾度,不過有一波熱浪要來襲了。
法蘭克: 芝加哥不是風城嗎?微風應該會讓我們涼爽,對吧?
桂 格: 那是在冬天,不過我們可以在格蘭特公園享受湖上吹來的微風。那就是我們明天要去的地方。

burst sb’s bubble 潑冷水

bubble 在這句話裡有點像「自己的小世界」之意。burst 是爆開,戳破意思,所以合起來就是潑別人冷水的意思。

A: I think Kristy likes me—I’m gonna ask her out.

B: I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but she has a boyfriend.


1) muggy (a.) 悶熱的
The weather in Houston is muggy in the summer.



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