Later that day | |
Kevin: | I can’t believe we’re lost. |
Shelly: | Well, these roads aren’t very 1)well-marked! And the stupid GPS is wrong! |
Kevin: | Time to stop and ask for 2)directions. |
Shelly: | We’re already an hour behind schedule…. |
Kevin: | Don’t worry. We left early to 3)allow for things like this. I’m sure our motel will save our room for us. |
Shelly: | OK. Hey! There’s a gas station. Let’s go ask there. |
Kevin: | It looks 4)abandoned. Let’s try that cafe up ahead. |
Shelly: | Cool—I can get my caffeine fix. |
Kevin: | Yeah. We wouldn’t want you falling asleep at the wheel. |
Shelly: | Better make it a 5)double then…. |
當日稍晚 | |
凱文: | 我不敢相信我們竟然迷路了。 |
雪莉: | 嗯,這些路都沒有很明確的標示,笨死人的行車導航器又帶錯路。 |
凱文: | 該是停下來問路的時候了。 |
雪莉: | 我們已經落後行程一個小時了…… |
凱文: | 別擔心,我們早出門就是為了留時間給這種事情。我想我們的汽車旅館一定會留房間給我們。 |
雪莉: | 好吧,嘿!那邊有個加油站!我們過去問路。 |
凱文: | 看起來已經荒廢了。我們試試看前頭的咖啡店。 |
雪莉: | 酷,那我就可以解解咖啡癮。 |
凱文: | 是啊,我可不希望你開車開到睡著。 |
雪莉: | 那最好給我雙份咖啡…… |
好用句 |
get one’s...x 滿足……癮頭 |
fix 俚語上是吸毒的意思,吸毒的後果當然就是會上癮囉!所以fix也用來形容對某種事物那種不做不暢快的「癮頭」。若想要明確表達某種癮頭,句型為:N + fix。最後記住滿足癮頭的動作一定要用 get,千萬不要用什麼 fulfill 或 satisfy 這樣的字眼,會讓人聽起來一點都不來勁!
A: Hey, where are you off to?
B: I’m heading down to the doughnut shop to get my sugar fix.
1) well-marked (a.) 有明確標示的
The park has well-marked hiking trails.
2) direction (n.)(固定用複數)指示,說明,(問)路
I think that guy gave us the wrong directions.
3) allow for (phr.) 預留給…,把…的可能性預計在內
We should take more money on our trip to allow for extra expenses.
4) abandoned (a.) 放棄的,廢棄的
The abandoned building is scheduled to be torn down.
5) double (n./a.) 雙倍(的),雙份(的)
I’ll have a scotch—and make it a double,please.